
Applicant Method

Now take an applicant id from the previous page - in this example I'll use aid=18213. I can discover everything I need to know about him or her by using the applicant method.

Using SOAP, I would retrieve the data using the following

 $client->call("getApplicant", array("username" => "my_password",
                                         "password" => "my_username",
                                         "database" => "my_database",
                                         "id" => 18213,                                                                                                                                                   
                                         "method" => XML,

Using ReST I would use the url

Here is the applicant object in XML Format as it is returned by these two requests:

  <enrolldate>2013-01-19 17:33:04</enrolldate>
  <changedate />
  <spin />
  <snonce />
  <mname />
  <addr2 />
  <fax />
  <ethnic />
  <ethnicity />
  <race />
  <cv_url />
  <nationality />
  <conferences />
  <statusinactivedate />
  <last_revised_time />
    <adtitle>Test Ad for Njoyn will not display at EJM</adtitle>
      <vartext />
      <vartext />
      <vartext />
      <vartext />
      <varstring>my jmp</varstring>
      <vartext />
    <questions>C.V.:  </questions>
    <questions>Job-Market Paper::  </questions>
    <questions>Additional paper (optional)::  </questions>
    <questions>Where did you learn about this position?:  &quot;- nothing selected -&quot;,&quot;Job Openings for Economists&quot;,&quot;Our Economics Website&quot;,&quot;National Economic Association website&quot;,&quot;Inomics&quot;,&quot;Other&quot;:  </questions>
    <questions>Title of your job-market paper:&lt;br /&gt;
(Abbreviate if necessary):  </questions>
      <institution>University of British Columbia</institution>
      <department />
      <institution>University of British Columbia</institution>
      <department>Department of Economics</department>
      <institution>University of British Columbia</institution>
    <adtitle>Second Test Ad - will not display</adtitle>
      <vartext />
      <vartext />
      <vartext />
      <vartext />
      <vartext />
      <vartext />
    <questions>Are you a Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident of Canada?:  &quot;Yes&quot;,&quot;No|:  </questions>
    <questions>Which fields best describe your area of Expertise:  &quot;Macroeconomics&quot;, &quot;Microeconomics&quot;, &quot;Banking&quot;, &quot;Other&quot;:  </questions>
    <questions>What is your Gender? (you can refuse to answer):  &quot;Male&quot;,&quot;Female&quot;,&quot;No Response&quot;:  </questions>
    <questions>Please provide a url for the most up to data copy of your cv. This link should include http:// and should point to a pdf file, not to a website.:  </questions>
    <questions>Provide a cv from the files you have saved at econjobmarket.:  </questions>
    <questions>Your job market paper - select from your saved files here.:  </questions>
      <institution>University of British Columbia</institution>
      <department />
      <institution>University of British Columbia</institution>
      <department>Department of Economics</department>
      <institution>University of British Columbia</institution>