
This method will give you all the details associated with a particular applicant. The url that will allow you to retrieve information on all of your applicants is

and if you want only the details for one particular applicant, you would use

where the number at the end of the url is an applicant id.

As before, these urls must be used with a valid access token.

This will produce for each applicant a json object that looks as follows"

    "error": false,
    "aid": 38848,
    "id": 21599,
    "enrolldate": "2017-11-09 05:01:12",
    "changedate": "2018-06-26 07:49:09",
    "email": "*@***.edu",
    "fname": "***",
    "mname": null,
    "lname": "******",
    "country": "USA",
    "phone": "**********",
    "fax": "",
    "url": "",
    "category_id": 14,
    "categories": "23",
    "primary_field": "Public Economics",
    "degreetype": "Ph.D.",
    "degreeinst": "***** University",
    "degreebegyear": 2008,
    "degreeendyear": 2013,
    "curpos": "Doctoral Student",
    "curinst": "University of *******",
    "ethnic": "",
    "ethnicity": "",
    "race": "",
    "gender": "withheld",
    "is_contactok": 1,
    "ackdate": "2018-06-26",
    "nationality": "Italy",
    "status": 0,
    "statusinactivedate": null,
    "last_revised_time": "2018-06-26 07:49:09",
    "secondary_fields": {
        "23": "Political Economy,"
    "secondary_fields": {
        "1" :"Development; Growth"
    "conferences": {
        "16": "EEA Job Market Meeting",
        "11": "Canadian Economics Employment Exchange",
        "12": "Simposio de la Asociaci\u00f3n Espa\u00f1ola de Econom\u00eda",
        "13": "RES Postgraduate Meeting",
        "15": "Allied Social Sciences Association"